Fully Present



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Opening Prayer

Coming together as a team, let's take a moment to pause (10 secs), and let's begin with a quote from...

John 5: 6- "When Jesus saw him lying there and knew that he had been ill for a long time, he said to him, "Do you want to be well?""
And from

Morrie Schwartz- "I believe in being fully present. That means you should be with the person you're with."

These quotes show the value of being fully present. Being fully present is a great way to live Compassion, making it real in our lives today! So, as we reflect today, let's refresh our memories on the meaning of Compassion, and take a closer look at how being fully present brings it to life.

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Core Value


Compassion means, Service in a spirit of empathy, love, and concern

We know there are many ways to live Compassion; so let's focus on just one, being fully present.

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Fully Present

Being fully present means, I set aside all distractions and make eye contact with the person I am serving.

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Let's Reflect

So, let's ask ourselves this ...

Have I ever felt the satisfaction of someone being fully present with me, especially through their eye contact? Pause 10-20 sec before moving on.

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Let's Act

I'd like to invite us all to make being fully present a reality in our lives today by...

Making eye contact during every conversation.

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Did You Know?

Being fully present isn't new to CHRISTUS Health, in fact, we see this same type of Compassion in our heritage...

Did you know that an, RN from Spohn, was fully present for his patient? The patient was worried about being discharged without rehabilitation. The RN looked his patient in the eye and reassured him that he would fight for him. The RN then collaborated with physicians and case managers to get a rehabilitation plan solidified. The RN's desire to be fully present to others led to the successful rehabilitation of the patient.

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Closing Prayer

Heavenly Father, You are always fully present to me. Help me to imitate you and show compassion by being fully present to those I meet throughout my day.

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Opening Prayer

John 5: 6- "When Jesus saw him lying there and knew that he had been ill for a long time, he said to him, "Do you want to be well?""
And from

Morrie Schwartz- "I believe in being fully present. That means you should be with the person you're with."

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Compassion means, Service in a spirit of empathy, love, and concern

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Fully Present

Being fully present means, I set aside all distractions and make eye contact with the person I am serving.

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Let's Reflect

Have I ever felt the satisfaction of someone being fully present with me, especially through their eye contact? Pause 10-20 sec before moving on.

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Let's Act

Making eye contact during every conversation.

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Did You Know?

Did you know that an, RN from Spohn, was fully present for his patient? The patient was worried about being discharged without rehabilitation. The RN looked his patient in the eye and reassured him that he would fight for him. The RN then collaborated with physicians and case managers to get a rehabilitation plan solidified. The RN's desire to be fully present to others led to the successful rehabilitation of the patient.

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Closing Prayer

Heavenly Father, You are always fully present to me. Help me to imitate you and show compassion by being fully present to those I meet throughout my day.

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