


Lead or participate below. Follow each of the steps in order! Scroll to the bottom to download.

Opening Prayer

Coming together as a team, let's take a moment to pause (10 secs), and let's begin with a quote from...

James 3:17 But the wisdom that comes from heaven is first of all pure; then peace-loving, considerate, submissive, full of mercy and good fruit, impartial and sincere.

and from

Desmond Tutu  Hope is being able to see that there is light despite all of the darkness.

These quotes show the value of Wisdom. Wisdom is a great way to live Compassion, making it real in our lives today! So, as we reflect today, let's refresh our memories on the meaning of Compassion, and take a closer look at how Wisdom brings it to life.

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Core Value


Compassion means, Service in a spirit of empathy, love, and concern

We know there are many ways to live with Compassion; so let's focus on just one, Hope.

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Living joy in the present moment, knowing that God has a plan for me.

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Let's Reflect

So, let's ask ourselves this question...

Am I able to read the needs of a person and respond?

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Let's Act

I'd like to invite us all to make Wisdom a reality in our lives today by...

Watching for non-verbal clues to understand what a person needs most.

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Did You Know?

Pride in my work isn't new to CHRISTUS Health, in fact, we see this same type of Compassion in our heritage...

Wisdom isn't new to CHRISTUS Health, in fact, we see this same type of Compassion in our heritage...

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Closing Prayer

Holy Spirit, Your wisdom sometimes requires me to wait and watch as someone tries to communicate. Help me read the clues and ask the right questions in order to truly understand their needs. With your graces, every communication can be sincere and full of mercy. Amen.

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Opening Prayer

James 3:17 But the wisdom that comes from heaven is first of all pure; then peace-loving, considerate, submissive, full of mercy and good fruit, impartial and sincere.

and from

Desmond Tutu  Hope is being able to see that there is light despite all of the darkness.

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Compassion means, Service in a spirit of empathy, love, and concern

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Living joy in the present moment, knowing that God has a plan for me.

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Let's Reflect

Am I able to read the needs of a person and respond?

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Let's Act

Watching for non-verbal clues to understand what a person needs most.

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Did You Know?

Wisdom isn't new to CHRISTUS Health, in fact, we see this same type of Compassion in our heritage...

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Closing Prayer

Holy Spirit, Your wisdom sometimes requires me to wait and watch as someone tries to communicate. Help me read the clues and ask the right questions in order to truly understand their needs. With your graces, every communication can be sincere and full of mercy. Amen.

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