


Lead or participate below. Follow each of the steps in order! Scroll to the bottom to download.

Opening Prayer

Coming together as a team, let's take a moment to pause (10 secs), and let's begin with a quote from...

Acts 17: 26-27  He made from one the whole human race to dwell on the entire surface of the earth, and he fixed the ordered seasons and the boundaries of their regions,so that people might seek God, even perhaps grope for him. and find him, though indeed he is not far from any one of us.

And From

Ola Joseph  Diversity is not about how we differ. Diversity is about embracing one another's uniqueness.

These quotes show the value of Inclusion. Inclusion is a great way to live with Dignity, making it real in our lives today! So, as we reflect today, let's refresh our memories on the meaning of Dignity, and take a closer look at how Inclusion brings it to life.

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Core Value


Dignity means, Respect for the worth of every person, recognition and commitment to the value of diverse individuals and perspectives, and special concerns for the poor and underserved.

Dignity means...

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Seeing that every person is included

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Let's Reflect

So let's ask ourselves this question...

Has working with a diversity of people enriched my life?

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Let's Act

I'd like to invite us all to make Inclusion a reality in our lives today by...

Showing a willingness to learn about and honor the different cultures of those you meet.

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Did You Know?

Inclusion isn't new to CHRISTUS Health, in fact, we see this same type of Dignity in our heritage...

At Christus Systems Office, an associate practices humble listening and builds trust by celebrating other associates who are from many various ethnic identities. Her approach to others leads to new initiatives that honor, educate, and heal. One associate remarked: "I never feel like a token because this associate hears me. I can tell my story in my own voice. Others are no longer talking on my behalf."

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Closing Prayer

"Heavenly Father, You made our world rich by the diversity of people and cultures. You have also enriched our lives by introducing us to them and helping us learn from them. Thank you for making us so unique yet with equal dignity. Help me love all your people as my brothers and sisters. Amen. "

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Opening Prayer

Acts 17: 26-27  He made from one the whole human race to dwell on the entire surface of the earth, and he fixed the ordered seasons and the boundaries of their regions,so that people might seek God, even perhaps grope for him. and find him, though indeed he is not far from any one of us.

And From

Ola Joseph  Diversity is not about how we differ. Diversity is about embracing one another's uniqueness.

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Dignity means, Respect for the worth of every person, recognition and commitment to the value of diverse individuals and perspectives, and special concerns for the poor and underserved.

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Seeing that every person is included

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Let's Reflect

Has working with a diversity of people enriched my life?

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Let's Act

Showing a willingness to learn about and honor the different cultures of those you meet.

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Did You Know?

At Christus Systems Office, an associate practices humble listening and builds trust by celebrating other associates who are from many various ethnic identities. Her approach to others leads to new initiatives that honor, educate, and heal. One associate remarked: "I never feel like a token because this associate hears me. I can tell my story in my own voice. Others are no longer talking on my behalf."

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Closing Prayer

"Heavenly Father, You made our world rich by the diversity of people and cultures. You have also enriched our lives by introducing us to them and helping us learn from them. Thank you for making us so unique yet with equal dignity. Help me love all your people as my brothers and sisters. Amen. "

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