


Lead or participate below. Follow each of the steps in order! Scroll to the bottom to download.

Opening Prayer

Coming together as a team, let's take a moment to pause (10 secs), and let's begin with a quote from...

Philippians 4:13- "I can do all things through him who strengthens me."
And from...

John C Maxwell- "You'll never change your life until you change what you do daily. The secret to success is found in your daily routine."

These quotes show the value of Reliability. Reliability is a great way to live Excellence, making it real in our lives today! So, as we reflect today, let's refresh our memories on the meaning of Excellence, and take a closer look at how Reliability brings it to life.

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Core Value


Excellence means, high standards of service and performance.

We know there are many ways to live Excellence; so let's focus on just one, Reliability.

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Reliability means, Performing well consistently.

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Let's Reflect

So, let's ask ourselves this question ...

What new work habit can I foster to help the team?

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Let's Act

I'd like to invite us all to make Reliability a reality in our lives today by...

Starting one new good habit that helps me remain consistent in my work.

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Did You Know?

Reliability isn't new to CHRISTUS Health, in fact, we see this same type of Excellence in our heritage...

Did you know that the signature phrase of a Radiology Manager from CHRISTUS Spohn, is “I’m on it!” His work habits are excellent! Recently, a physician doubted the findings of a radiology report that a contracted radiology service had read. The physician tried to get a hold of the contracted partner, but it was a holiday, and there was no response. David was contacted for assistance and immediately reached out to another Radiologist and arranged for a second reading of the report so correct information could be relayed to the physician caring for the patient.

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Closing Prayer

Jesus, you know everything about me. and I trust you to help me uncover the things I need to know about myself. Show me the new healthy habit I car start and give me the desire and strength to begin. Amen.

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Opening Prayer

Philippians 4:13- "I can do all things through him who strengthens me."
And from...

John C Maxwell- "You'll never change your life until you change what you do daily. The secret to success is found in your daily routine."

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Excellence means, high standards of service and performance.

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Reliability means, Performing well consistently.

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Let's Reflect

What new work habit can I foster to help the team?

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Let's Act

Starting one new good habit that helps me remain consistent in my work.

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Did You Know?

Did you know that the signature phrase of a Radiology Manager from CHRISTUS Spohn, is “I’m on it!” His work habits are excellent! Recently, a physician doubted the findings of a radiology report that a contracted radiology service had read. The physician tried to get a hold of the contracted partner, but it was a holiday, and there was no response. David was contacted for assistance and immediately reached out to another Radiologist and arranged for a second reading of the report so correct information could be relayed to the physician caring for the patient.

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Closing Prayer

Jesus, you know everything about me. and I trust you to help me uncover the things I need to know about myself. Show me the new healthy habit I car start and give me the desire and strength to begin. Amen.

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