


Lead or participate below. Follow each of the steps in order! Scroll to the bottom to download.

Opening Prayer

Coming together as a team, let's take a moment to pause (10 secs), and let's begin with a quote from...

Romans 2:11 - "There is no partiality with God."

and from

Pope Francis - "Saint Paul has told us that in Christ we have become God’s adopted children, brothers and sisters in Christ. This is who we are. This is our identity."

These quotes show the value of Commitment. Commitment is a great way to live Integrity, making it real in our lives today! So, as we reflect today, let's refresh our memories on the meaning of Integrity, and take a closer look at how Commitment brings it to life.

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Core Value


Integrity means, Honesty, justice, and consistency in all relationships.

We know there are many ways to live Integrity; so let's focus on just one, Commitment.

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Dedicated response to our mission

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Let's Reflect

So let's ask ourselves this question...

Does my commitment to the mission extend to all people?

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Let's Act

I'd like to invite us all to make Commitment a reality in our lives today by...

Treating all people as a loved one.

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Did You Know?

Commitment isn't new to CHRISTUS Health, in fact, we see this same type of Integrity in our heritage...

At Christus Santa Rosa, our associate is a shining example of what "Living our Values" means. When she walks into a room, you can see people's faces light up! Whether it is a team member, a patient or a family member, she treats everyone like her own family. Her genuine kindness and compassion for serving others is exemplified in all that she does.

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Closing Prayer

Creator and Father, We are all your children and equally loved by you. You feel the sorrow of the suffering in your children and you have asked me to respond with your hands and voice. Make me a great witness of your love for them. Amen.

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Opening Prayer

Romans 2:11 - "There is no partiality with God."

and from

Pope Francis - "Saint Paul has told us that in Christ we have become God’s adopted children, brothers and sisters in Christ. This is who we are. This is our identity."

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Integrity means, Honesty, justice, and consistency in all relationships.

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Dedicated response to our mission

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Let's Reflect

Does my commitment to the mission extend to all people?

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Let's Act

Treating all people as a loved one.

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Did You Know?

At Christus Santa Rosa, our associate is a shining example of what "Living our Values" means. When she walks into a room, you can see people's faces light up! Whether it is a team member, a patient or a family member, she treats everyone like her own family. Her genuine kindness and compassion for serving others is exemplified in all that she does.

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Closing Prayer

Creator and Father, We are all your children and equally loved by you. You feel the sorrow of the suffering in your children and you have asked me to respond with your hands and voice. Make me a great witness of your love for them. Amen.

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